Tuesday 12 November 2013

Web Critique

So this is how I set up my work for evaluation as we had to leave our work and anonymous feedback was given.

My questions I wanted to be answered:

1) Is my colour scheme relevant?
2) Do you know how to create an imageslider?
3) Do you think vectors will work well on this website and not photographs?

My Feedback:

1) yes the colour scheme is relevant & relates to the intended audience.
2) No
3) As long as they are clear they should work fine.

-Theres nothing on the homepage to suggest exactly what the website is for - just a short sentence is all that is needed.
-I like the homepage, however the top seems quite empty compared to the bottom half.

1) Yes the colours are unisex & work really well as a set.
2) wowslider.com
3) I think they work fine maybe you could try lines underneath the circles once hovered over.

-Are you going to have an about how would people know what they are looking at.
-Good concept thought ( like the circle buttons they are playful).

1) I think the colour scheme will work but really you need to ask your target audience.
2) Nope sorry. Google, Simon, Lorraine.
3) Not quite sure what you mean, but vectors will work well with your style.

-Check if you will be able to use existing banners which copyright & stuff.
-Also the Alton towers button goes from grey to white on your rollover.

1)I think so. Although I think the homepage has been left far too minimal, for something family orientated.
2) Ask Jnae wowslider.com

1) The colours you have used are fun & vibrant. Reflecting characteristics of balloons.
2)With difficulty, you need to download j.query.
3)Yeah totally, if they look anything like your logo.

From this overall I have gained that I need to put something on my home page about what the website is about. And also I need to check somethings to download to make an image slider which I don't know if I want to do this as last time I downloaded something it corroded my mac.

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