Friday 16 May 2014

Ticket Research

The aesthetic of this layout is not very appropriate although, I like the size of this ticket, I like the use of the space.

I like the shape of these old tickets with the curved inwards corners. This is a typical old cinema ticket. Although, I think these are too small for today people use tickets as the first point of call. A place they look to refresh their mind of the date, time & venue.

I like the simplicity of these tickets. They have the basic information on and that is all that it needs. I like the use of the different colours although they work very well, they wont be given out together so therefore it doesn't matter if they all work together or not.

I am loving the type directed tickets. Although, I do believe that this has too much information on. I like the use of the justified type. I like how all the important information stands out due to the boldness of the type or the red used, also the use of the X & Y axis. I also like the outline of the ticket. I think this creates a frame and therefore will lead to good strong layout as you wont overwork.

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