Monday, 26 November 2012

What is Research?

What is Research?

Let the process drive the outcome.
Process is more important than the outcome.

Intuitive approach- Knowledge already know.
Stimulated approach- Inspiration from around internet & books
Systematic approach- Make it replicable & make it useful.

A strategy of thinking through a problem.

Phrase One: A simulation, pull together what you already know.
Phrase Two: General, thinking outside the box, start to think of possible problems.
Phrase Three: Development, develop & then refine on to one specific thing. 

Can then repeat Phrase Two 

Phrase Four: Communication, the communication of one or more solutions to people who are either inside our outside the design team.

You will go through this process at least 50 times in 1 week .


  • Problem 
    What need to know more about?
    what already exists?
    Fixed part of the brief?


    • Trial & Error


      What looks best?
      How expensive?
      Does it work?
      How does it fit?
      Which does the client prefer     


      Compromise, want to do, can be afforded?, is it feasible?
      Be sure this is acceptable by getting feedback.
      Go back & research & analyse. 

      Broad then focus in then broad & focus in. Ending is normally a deadline. 

      Research is... 

      Finding out by asking
      WHAT IF?

      Research collecting info: 
      Info through variety of sources including books, journals & internet. Experimenting or talking to people 7 analysis of info.

      Research is a process:
      By which you have processed, generated final outcome

      Types of research:
      Primary- Collection of data that doesn't already exist.
      Secondary- Published & recorded data that has already been collected.
      Quantative- Facts & figures gathered & analysed. Can prove things 
      Qualitative- Explores peoples beliefs. None numerical data. Observe subjects regularly. Subjective responce due to opinions & beliefs. 
      Quantative & Qualitative can be both Primary & Secondary Research. 

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