History of Creative Advertising Lecture
The plot of how it led to the soap ads for the Lever Brothers Case Study & the strategies initiated by Lord Lever Hulme towards creative advertising giants Bernbach (Founding member of DDB) & Hegarty (Founding member of BBH).
The theme is the integration of art & technology as it has become a neglected area of history to some.
The plot of how it led to the soap ads for the Lever Brothers Case Study & the strategies initiated by Lord Lever Hulme towards creative advertising giants Bernbach (Founding member of DDB) & Hegarty (Founding member of BBH).
The theme is the integration of art & technology as it has become a neglected area of history to some.
The Beginning by Wight
Robin Wight is the future's bright and Advertised The most fun you can have with your clothes on. he was well known for his bright coloured outfits. His radio programme points out William Hesketh Lever as the start.
Sunlight Vision Museum, Exhibition - Tells the story of the birth of Creative advertising
Today Unilever has over 900 brands such as Ben & Jerrys, Birds Eyes & Dove although this company as Lever having it emerged & grown large amount of side. Unilever is an ubiquitous brand as it is all over the world.
George Cruikshank - All the world Going to See the Great Exhibition 1851
This is showing that Britain is at the apex of the world and all the people are coming to see what they have to offer. The crystal Palace is at the top within that was courts and the first shopping centre.
Within the great exhibition it promoted the need for large colour scale such as 1st photographs & 3D technology which was at the show.
Britain had the largest economy & largest empire. We was the richest country at that point in time.
Before packaging for soap was created they sold soap in long bars in grocers who stamped it and sliced how much you wanted. They would use this for washing their clothes and their bodies. It is very similar that Lush lay out there store with the weighing of the soap to make up a payment.
Then the first bar of soap was brought out with packaging which was called the sunlight soap, which had amazing colourful graphics which promotes same size for everyone which all the same quality and you are getting the same product every time. The grand value is added through branding & adverting.
Sunlight soap amoungst others was the first product to feature worldwide as a global ad campaign.
Advertising Boom
Without advertising there would be no newspapers as it is essential to the British press. And still matters today as the News of The World has ended due to advertisers pulling.
Printing Boom
Printing is now essential to Creative Advertising and allows contemporary paintings to be reproduced.
Contemporary Art
The Lever Brothers started to use contemporary paintings in advertising although they do looked old fashioned due to the dress sense of the child. This image was use din Levers 'So Clean' advert.
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The New Frock, William Powell Frith |
The use of white linen & the child holding & wearing delicate fabrics all is the reason why he chose to use this in their advertisement for their soap.
Alice In Wonderland
At the Exhibtion Tate in Liverpool it explained that at the time it was high infant mortality rate which became a popular subject for new technology & photography. Therefore the child is signifying signs of joy & life as surviving at that time was difficult.
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Alice Pleasance Liddell Summer - Who inspired Lewis Carroll about Alice in Wonderland |
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George Dunlop Leslie - Alice in Wonderland |
This is the start of the exhibition which was used for the pear soap advert, it has been used by the advertisers due to the child looking very healthy due to the rosey cheeks and white linen worn.
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A Dress Rehearsal - Albert Chevallier Tayler |
Leverhulme used this for his good as new poster which used emotional strategy as the mum is putting advice on to her. The subject matter is the wedding dress of the womanly figure trying on the wedding dress modified for her which suggests it was her mothers before . You can tell it has been modified due to the golden basque behind the woman. Behind the advert it is trying to sell soap to clean clothes with white linen to promote its good soap as they are still white.
Leverhulme promoted to people to collect tokens from the soap wrappers to save for prints of ads so that working class homes can have high class art in.
The first creative agencies changed with publications as then came fixed rates so therefore had a detrimental effect on how money was made as there was no more haggling. And new creative advertising departments emerged such as copywriter & art director.
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The Wedding Morning - John Herny Fredrick Bacon |
Leverhulme is using product placement through placing the soap replace clock & cups which also includes brand royalty. The beautiful white linen, lace & white flowers on the table. Which encourages brand loyalty through generations and the representation of the little girl looking at all the commotion which could be connoting her looking at her future.
Innovative Events
Lever Bros in Switzerland brought innovative events to the equation by having a washing competition which allowed people to be interactive and brought product demonstration within the advertisement.
The Queen of Soap
This royal endorsement from 1892 which promotes that the queen uses that soap as everyone can afford it. As there is no difference in soap for upper class & lower class people.
This sunlight soap makes you buy it through targeting at mothers by free gifts for children such as in this one offers free paper dolls with interchangeable outfits. It is targeted at mothers also as that is who washes the clothes in the household and also through association passing down secrets for example to be a good mother you must use sunlight soap.
Art Direction
Leverhulme sponsored slavery. The whole plantation called Leverhill has only just changed its name recently.
Palm oil was one of the main ingredients in soap although it was bad for the environment it was good for cleaning clothes. And demonstrators fought against palm oil been used in soap.
First Ambient
This means an advert which has been placed in situate for example a contemporary installation. Lever was the first to bring this into practice and he was very careful where he placed his adverts as it was an important factor to how well the advertisement would work and what audience it would receive.
This is the salvation for sunlight soap advertisement which claims that it would be the answer to cleaning clothes quicker, it is almost as if the advertisement through emotional strategy to show that it will make life easier for women as it was a way & a solution for all their cleaning needs. Therefore leaving quality time for romance.
World Domination
This world was already created for Lever which helped him sell his soap. As he used royal which shows him trading on Britannia. Which is done quite alot in those days for example Dunlop Tyres.
Lever Achievement:
convince people all over the world that they did not just want this product,
they needed it’ (Port Sunlight Museum, 2009).
How did he do this? He did this through persuading consumers of their personal hygiene problems. Which was conquered by Victorians and is still used today for example in Lynx adverts.
Psychology of Advertising
This is used alot within advertisement as its a difference between self & ideal sense of self. It was used very widespread and was found with new understanding of human psychology in the twentieth century.
Discrepency Theory
The discrepency is between self & ideal self image as Lever Bros use said use soap to preserve soft youth feminine hands & also included celebrity endorsement.
Unilever Series
Unilever still sponsors art today as they will commission an artist to create an installation in the Tate gallery, their first work in devoted to the moving image, and celebrates film making.
Critics of Admass
This was all in the time of the consumption boom and they highly criticised the interwar year and believed that capitalism was why World War Two happen. The consumption boom obvious led to a boom in advertising due to the need of advertisement and companies having the money to spend on luxuries for the company.
Admass Advocates
Admass is promoting the fact that good trade relations between countries reduces conflict & war. Also capitalism and commerce & consumption improves well being of population. Also it creates more jobs within advertising so therefore you should not criticize the it as less people would be out of jobs.
Overall, Creative Advertising all expanded from soap and how that has progressed through packaging etc... Also how colour printing has developed through technology developments which has allowed reproduction. Finally that Creative Advertising is an important part of the economy as without this the economy would make no money and therefore go bankrupt like the News of The World.
Overall, Creative Advertising all expanded from soap and how that has progressed through packaging etc... Also how colour printing has developed through technology developments which has allowed reproduction. Finally that Creative Advertising is an important part of the economy as without this the economy would make no money and therefore go bankrupt like the News of The World.
Further Research:
History of Advertising: Creative Promotion
Creative Advertising By Mario Pricken
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