Wednesday 5 November 2014

Thinking About My Practical

I think the time has come to start thinking about my practical, up to now I have just focused on my dissertation. Although, really I should be working on both to make sure I get a good synthesis.

Firstly, I am going to think of possible things I could do for my practical:
  • It has to be interactive & engaging with the audience.
  • Follow the engagement model.
  • Be directed towards the kinesthetic learning theory.

Redo a failed digital interactive campaign.
DIY KIT: Make your own drum.
Pass the parcel - idea of something hiding behind something and destroying it
Interactive book.
Interactive Poster Campaign
Interactive Exhibition.
Wreck-it Journal - different outcome everytime.
Everyday elements - one side a picture other side the real thing.... about tactility.
Something for sighted users so they could experience the non-sighted world.
Window Installation.

The main ones that are standing out to me at the moment are...
Redo a failed digital interactive campaign.
Interactive Poster Campaign.

So these are the two I am going to do some further research into....

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