Wednesday 19 November 2014

Looking Through Hands On Book for Practical

This book, is perfect for my dissertation. Although it hasn't given me much contextual information it has shown be many more beautiful avenues that interactive design can do. 

This book has given me many more ideas for my practical.....

The interactive element of this book has kept me on my toes while interacting as it has made me go back to the sticker page to find out more about the project if I am interested in it. This is a very clever idea, takes me back to my younger years when I used to place stickers in the relevant places in magazines etc....

A few examples of the reason why I love this book are below and why this book is so good for my practical will be obvious...

 This is where the musical instrument posters idea came from as I wanted to make a DIY drum...

This is where the idea of creating a origami came from... I like the idea of having the line on the poster to follow, it gives it an authentic look.

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