Saturday 28 December 2013

ISTD Primary Research

The Oldest Sweet Shop In England.

I visited the shop in Harrogate, to see the shop in first hand, these are the photos I took and I asked the person behind the counter a few questions. Unfortunately it wasn't the owner but it was her daughter, so I still got some very good answers.

I asked them:

What sweets do you sell the most?
Sweet Tobacco
Liquorice Sticks
Blueberry Bonbons...

Would you consider on rebranding?
She said that her mum doesn't want to rebrand but she would like one..

So I said, if I coul rebrand so it was traditional but with a twist of modern is that the style you would like.

And she said she would like to keep the authentic look but with an update.

Then I asked her what things I should redesign:
Bags - just use bog standard see through ones.
Sweetie jars
& many more...

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