Friday 4 October 2013

Lecture about Lectures

Lecture about Lectures

Saatchi & Saatchi for Gallaher 1983
A campaign for cigarettes silkcut.
In advertising code of practice , in Britain, tobacco product were no longer allowed to be associated with:
Success in Business
Masculine or Feminine
Also, Advertisements must not seek to actively persuade people to start smoking.

Silkcut never showed a cigarette in there advertisements, but worked with connotations to advertise the brand of the cigarettes.
Freudian level - silk which is sexy and also purple and luxury therefore showing affluence and wealth.
WHY is the silk ruffled? Silk bed sheets? Referring to sexual connotations?

Graphic Design
Consumerism & popular culture.
City as a space.

L'Atelier Populaire.
When the strike in 1968 begun the students wanted to revolutionalise the school and claimed the print studios as theres and called them the L'Atelier populaire and started printed different prints to protest with. These are the image of student revolution now.
These are not pieces of design and they refuse to put them on sale.

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