Monday 28 October 2013

Identity Seminar

Identity Seminar

When both have no concept of self?
Lacan calls this Hommlette - no sense of unifying.

Mirror Stage
6-18 months - understanding you are whole. If you cry someone comes to help you.
Realisation - get the idea that you are an object in the world.

Lacan - Always chasing & affirming our own sense of self & trying to get back to the 'mirror stage'.

Sense of Self (Subjectivity) built on:
  • An illusion of wholeness - can be destroyed built up on fiction.
  • Receiving views from others - taught that to measure need to see affirmation.

RESULT - Own subjectivity is fragile

Identity & 'The other' is visual representation.
  • Creation of Identities - securing identitys for ourselves.
  • Concepts of otherness
  • Analysis of visual examples.

Identity Creation
What makes you you?
  • Education/Job
  • Style/Clothing
  • Upbringing/Parents/Family
  • Ethics
  • Friends/Social Groups
  • Physical Attributes
  • Fears
  • Sense of Humor
  • Skills/Ability
  • Religion/Beliefs
  • Background (Limits)
  • Gender
  • Sexuality

How do you express your identity?
  • Clothes
  • Lifestyle Choices
  • Conspicuous Consumption
  • Body (Physical Appearance)
  • Job (Profession/Vocation)
  • Emotion Avaliability
  • Social Networking
  • Reality Vs Projected Identity

Constructing & 'The Others'
  • Relies on assumption of opposition & radical otherness.
  • Create our identities within mothering.
  • About security unstable identity
  • Subterranean Values - Shared fashion, values.
  • Racism - Inform ourselves that we are superior to other races.

Examples of Othering
How we read identify identities to other society - with aim of reaching core audiences. 

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