Wednesday 10 December 2014

Overall Concept of Practical & Synthesis

The synthesis between my practical is grasped from many angles within my dissertation.
  • Engagement Model - Exhibition - Goes through the stages.
  • VAK Learning Styles - Kinesthetic Learning style - from the outcome of my essay the kinethetic learning style was the most effective as it covered all areas and everyone learns something from working hands on whereas this can't be said for the other styles.
  • Rewarding stages - Stickers - Although the reward should be the paper crane they have made, they are going to be part of the exhibition so this will detriment the reward, therefore the use of the stickers has been put in place.
  • This is a good example of the dependance on the subject because of the medium of print has been developed from the message of luck... It wouldn't be as effective if you had to click to create the paper crane. Hands on through print is the only way you can make a paper crane therefore digital wouldn't work for this message.

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