Tuesday 9 October 2012

Prospectus Critique

Propectus Critique

In todays session of our seminar we did a little crit on the new LCA prospectus for 2012/13 which I think personally it the prospectus itself is horrendous!

My reasons for this judgement:

  • There is no clear chapters to distinctively differenciate between the courses within LCA the headings are not very loud and blend in with the rest of the font and therefore you dont see it as a striking new chapter. I would recommend colour blocking or making a whole page to one title to break up the plain and boring layout.

  • When you open the prospectus to the first page it looks very corperate and business rather then art & design. Then the next following pages are just full of information and no real true experience to the college. Also the language used is not targeted to the appropriate audience.

  • The photography used is very generic and staged, the layout of the photos are scattered & are not aligned and therefore not easy to the eye. Maybe the use of less more focused larger scaled pictures to compliment the writing.

  • The layout is very unattractive and has no flow within the prospectus, the use of random black pages and white write doesnt make sense and overall I believe there is too much writing and needs to be alot more colour injected into this prospectus!

  • Although, i do think the front cover is very striking with a contrast of colours. Which therefore would make me pick it up although the stock is very cheap and the satin foil used is quite an expensive foil which has created a marble effect which is uneffective.

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