Monday, 5 May 2014

Synthesis between essay & practical

My essay question was how is identity constructed within consumerism, so to answer this question I looked at where consumerism started and how it developed within the community. Also it was expressed how consumerism has grown into a culture and how it everything around you constructs your identity as a whole. This then leads on to consumer marketing and how this can manipulate people into how they think and therefore this is helping to develop the people on how they live and what they do.

I brought in examples such as advertisements that have underlying subliminal messages, which effect in the way you respond to that advert, but you don't understand this outcome and think that this is just because you want it, when in fact this is not what happens. This leads on to how businesses & brands make you think that with the thoughts of Poundstone. 

Then I focus on how many things can influence your identity and not just the consumer culture, I then go on to slight touch on to the subject of gender identity and the construction of this throughout the media. 
Therefore the synthesis is from the main part of my essay in which I revisit twice within my essay of the way that businesses manipulate their customers into what to buy without them knowing. I had been thinking about this and its something I came across when doing my research for my essay but obviously I couldn't just focus on this one topic due to this wouldn't be answering the question fully. The way that shops & restaurants manipulate their consumers is constructing peoples identities due to the way they make them think and this is what is portrayed onto others, therefore this is what people remember you by and can possible build up your habits etc... I didn't want to do it in just a way that was bogging and therefore I thought the use of the name tips & tricks of the trade would show the light-hearted nature of this book.

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