Thursday 30 October 2014

Kelli Anderson Ted Talk

Visuals speak volumes through texture, colour, type and shape. These come together to make the senses enable us to make tangible things/design. The small things we make can reinforce assumption we think about the world, understanding reality.

The wonders of physics
Reconsider the experience

Holiday Card
Clear it wants to be bent in different ways, which shows a story. Recital becoming empty gestures. Experiencing things over and over again loses their gravity.

Wedding Invitation
Push the boundaries
Sound is physical - musicians 
The hidden talent of paper.
We approach the media with expectations that we don't necessarily need.

Why take newspaper?
Good news - not bad!
Conflicted belief - had to be radically believed.
It made it onto the news - gave messages of hope.

These are show pushing paper past its expected boundary/role.

Its been shaped over several hundred years, and there's more room for self expression.

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