Friday, 12 December 2014

Interactive Poster/Exhibition & Engagement Model

The first stage will be set by the roll down posters and invites sent out... they know about making a paper crane, but they don't know why? There is a caption on the poster saying to follow the instructions but they don't nessarily know what they are making..

The second stage is when the initial interaction starts, it needs to be informal and appealing, this is why I have use a friendly font, with easy to understand language. I have only showed the first few steps on the first side as then they can be spread out and look simple and then the second side is when the folding becomes more complicated and the second side has 5 steps whereas the front has 4.

The next engagement phrase is anticipation, you have to allow this to happen with gratifying the audience by giving them a sense of achievement, which will then lead them into the next phrase nicely. This is where the participant will see the crane coming together and therefore this will be the sense of achievement.

Finally the participant will need time away from interacting to reflect, this will come into effect when they see their paper crane hanging with the rest of them... They can take time to reflect and think about their wish they will be granted.

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