Saturday, 1 November 2014

Primary Research Ideas For Dissertation

Touching & feeling experiment, this would be to say keywords whilst caressing the object of choice. This will allow the words to come out freely and no direction as these will be purely from what the brain thinks when touching the object eg. sharp, strong, scary, cold.

Scent experiment, from research it says how you can smell and scent and it will take you back to distant memories. Therefore, see if there is any correlation between smells etc...

Sending out a questionnaire over print & digital to all three years on graphic design. This will allow me collate results in which will be the most natural to them, as well as gathering data about there thoughts on interactive design.

Send a simple question sent over email, such as what do you first think of when you hear interactive design? To studios and designers, then allow them to reply in image and text. This can therefore be analysed.

Kate Moross

Julien Vallee
Yulia Broadskaya
Robot Food
See me design.

Have boxes to tick when they do something... eg. type on there mac..
Given them a small one hour brief see what they do first?

Send a simple question to studios and students to see when I get back.. Tell them the responce doesn't have to be an explanation can be an image etc...


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