Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Methodologies & Critical Analysis

COP3 Project - Underlying approach

Constructing a methodological approach for product.

How the information you have found is...

Methodology - A logical prodefined strategy.

How you going to go & get info?
How you organise it?
How you use it?

Your take on things, unique & personal but logical & systematic.

need to know what your researching & the end of what you need to do.

You need to...
Clearly evidence why you selected these methods & techniques that are most appropriate & why they are most appropriate.
Chose the most appropriate path for your study.
Why you are choosing that tactic & what strengths of that compared to others.
Thinking about methods is that only one method can you get so far!
We select one method knowing it has these flaws.

You chose an angle & we know that this angle will be biased.

Methodology - about picking a side, know why you have picked a side.

Theory - These can help you decide upon the two methods you use. Alternatively the material you find may suggest.

Dictionary defintion - A particular conception or view of something. Not the only view. Can help illuminate your topic.

Examples of theory

Communication theory - Shannon Weaver.
Psychology Theory - Freud.

Chose at least one key theory that relates to the material you are looking at.

Different theories will lead to different explanations.

Particular Topics
Justifying Bias - This is my take and based on research, I am going to take.

You can combine methods - as long as it suits you!

Make something & put it into the real world.
Getting feedback & then reshaping it overall.

But it does have to be justified! You have to document it & be rigorous.

Don't manipulate a theory into it.

1. Methods   2. Theories   3. Application

1. Make a decision about how to collect & order information.
2. Chose relevant theoretical stand point.
3. Apply these to your study.
4. Explicitly outline this in the introduction. Address suggested failings in the conclusions.

Number of chapters
Series of elements/chapters
Short introduction - Methodological approach, why you have taken this? Also break down different components in parts.

Has it got a clear logical methodology? Introduction.

Outline - clear consistant strategy.
And clear understanding of subject.

Critical Analysis
Critical analysis is not to be confused with the majority of the word criticisms, not about fault finding or negative.

Waying up about different sides of an arguement.
Making a selection based on an informed outcome, based amount of research.

Don't just pick one theory.
Based on research of further theory, know that your opinion is biased & still go with it anyway.

Element of a sceptical of the approach. 
Method of skeptics - idea about the world, they would disapprove & find as many ways.

Taking in a number of dispositions.

A passionate topic - energy wiht backed up through critical reasoning.

Stepping back & getting supporting evidence.

Awareness of perspectives - Wittgenstein's duck/rabbit.
Not wrong to see duck or rabbit first. But acknowledge that you can see both.

History is a rival of contested judgements, a series of individual judgements.

No one approaches everything subjectively.

Outlining that bias, understanding limitations & be open about what you are doing.

Sigmund Freud - has been criticised about by other theorist.
All case studies are looked for to prove his theory. He goes out looking for the example of his theory rather than finding his outcome from a theory.

What ever sources you use be critical of them, when they was produced! In what society?

Book - how has that theory been challenged or supported by other theories.

We need to critique ourselves & investigate.

How is my choice of subject influences by my emotions aspirations & context?

Aware of our own prejudices.

Consider the context of what you are looking at.

Consider the influence of one or more of the following:
What are the technological & innovations behind them?
Time & Place?
Scientific Theories?

Where is the evidence for this?
What are you saying?

Supporting - not enough to have a take. Need to have evidence.
Supporting research.
Don't repeat opinions of others.
Acknowledge & find evidence of back-up what your saying
What research has lead me to say what I believe?

But DON'T be neutral!

Contradict an arguement.
Back up with lots of evidence!

Don't have to be balanced.
Understand that there might be flaws in what your saying!

How can you back up what your saying?
Is this an informed position?

Could you find more evidence to support your conclusion?
Come to a ultimate conclusion.

Reason - argument why?
Logic - methodological
Argument - own thoughts?

Don't come one before other.

What do I want to say?
Have I got the evidence to back it up!

What is it that your investigating?
How am I going to investigate it?

Research is a dynamic process.
Where else do I need to look in order to find more evidence?

Putting alternative theories against the same body of data.

Using multiple theories to see which one best applies.
Theory A says this...
Theory B says this...
Third Theorist has to take one side or other.

Am I expressing myself clearly & logically?

Central argument of project.

A structure of argument, chapter by chapter breakdown.

  • Keep it simple - refine what you want to say & focus on few key issues.
  • Look into your key issues indepth & bring maximum evidence in to support your views.
  • Discuss your issues & the evidence you have found clear & logical manner.
  • Move general to the very specific. Context, setting broad, then focus, 3 designers & one image to justify.


Analysing critical a text
Analysing critical a image.

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